Sometimes I say this, but it doesn’t hit home. However, I’m positive that you at Implement Consulting Group know exactly what I mean when I say that. No matter if a person or an organisation; real, sustainable change, has to come from within.
Hello, I'm Louise, and I love people...
Service minded
by default
Helping others, no matter the task, brings me both purpose and meaning.
Cultural-connection Cameleon
Compassion makes it possible for me to connect with anyone.
organisation & automation nerd
Someone say multifunctional list or automate?
Active listener
When we listen we connect and I believe we also grow.
...and small talk!
I wouldn’t call myself extroverted, but I do love small talk.
A while back I read an article about the science behind the little greetings and exchanges between perfect strangers and they had proven that small-talk releases endorphins and makes us feel happy. Was I surprised? Nope.
We ARE our why
I believe that we’re all born with special talents and special gifts. Gifts – greater than we can even imagine. The industrial revolution needed us to adjust. But we’re not meant to adjust anymore – now is the time when our truest, most authentic self is what’s needed – we are our why.
The era of pure, human excellence.
We are quickly moving past the information technology era. Soon robots and AI can handle all these things and, we can do what we do best, and were born to do – being human.
Growth Mindset
Never not learning…
The day I stop being curious and wanting to learn new things, call 911.
I hope you won’t judge me when I say that I love my e-book reader and next to reading articles and books I also love taking courses and experimenting with different philosophies and theories.
Storytelling course @ Linnéuniversity
Theory U by Otto Schamer – trying it out with hey me!
Brené Brown – Atlas of the heart
Take no heroes, only inspiration
People touch and inspire me – these are a few I carry with me every day.
"I used this unexpected time to become more self-aware. Learn more things that I love."
Oh, if we’d be standing face to face, you’d see my heart opening now, talking about mindfulness. This is my mission.
The power to choose my reaction, or to decide not to react at all, is something I wished we’d all learned already in school. This is the essence of freedom.
And it’s so simple. We use what we got, and carry with us all the time. Our breath, body, senses. Authenticity is about being conscious – here and now.
I know.
I was abroad for 15 years. I was freelancing. I founded a company in the middle of a pandemic.
The last years on my resume aren't all that impressive
But, I have so much more to give. I know I am an asset, and I still want to be a force for change. To be given the opportunity to work with you, in an inspiring, evolving environment, would be a dream come true.
If this whole page doesn’t show you what a nerd I am, I don’t know what will! But I do know I would try it.